Your dedicated DevOps team

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Brainify offers the development resources you need to succeed. From frontend and backend developers to full-stack developers, app developers, and testers, we provide comprehensive expertise all under one roof in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Let us show you that outsourcing works – because we do it the right way.

Find your DevOps-team

Our development teams have worked for, among others:

As well as other clients in Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, UK and Australia


Our developers are dedicated
to supporting you Monday to Friday,
within your working hours

Our teams bring expertise in:

" The reputation of Nordic companies in Bangladesh allows us to hire the very best developers. "

Steve, Office Manager, Brainify Bangladesh

The leader group in Brainify

Johannes Holmedahl

Johannes Holmedahl

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Vanja Hillerström

Vanja Hillerström

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Steve Roy

Steve Roy

Office Manager, Bangladesh
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" I have 8 years of experience in recruiting Bangladeshi developers, but 38 years of experience with Bengali culture. "

Johannes Holmedahl, CEO Brainify Norway



Hausmanns gate 21
0182 Oslo


House 936, Road 13 Ave 2
Mirpur DOHS
Dhaka, Bangladesh

Contact us

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